Who We Are

We’re a church called to be a blessing to the Greater Dallas area.

Meet Pastor Yoon


Yoon and Becky have been in ministry since 2004. Sensing the call to ministry while at Wheaton College (B.A.) Yoon devoted his studies to Scripture and followed up that training with a Master of Divinity (M.Div) at Fuller Theological Seminary.

Serving as a pastor after college, Yoon has led ministries from youth, college, education, missions, served as lead pastor and was head of an international ministries that was responsible for 6 different language ministries, 40+ nationalities while working with and currently part of international organizations such as Lausanne Movement and the World Evangelical Alliance.

Just before coming to Dallas to plant The Blessing Church Yoon was at Tapestry LA as the Missions Pastor leading both Local and Global missions and also spent a year at the Church of Southland where Becky led worship and Yoon served as an associate pastor.

Yoon and Becky enjoy the simple and slow things by helping create space for people to be. One thing that can encapsulate his ministry philosophy is the statement “Ecclesiology is Missiology”, meaning the Church was God’s original mission, the Church is Mission.

Meet our staff

Denny Han

Pastoral Resident

Gabriel Castro

TBC Youth & Operations

Khang Nguyen


Jaime Kim

TBC Kids 

Jessica Ansari

TBC Kids

Meet our family of churches

The Blessing Church is a member of AMI – a community of churches seeking to model the spirituality, vision, and partnership exemplified in the book of Acts.

AMI is committed to developing disciples of Christ within our churches and spreading the gospel message to those who don’t know Christ through church planting and missions work. Learn more about AMI’s latest church plants or the missionaries abroad.

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”

— Genesis 12:2